Command line interface

Once the engine module is installed as a dependency within another module, the ota command with the following subcommands is available.

In these commands:

  • <service_id> is the case sensitive name of the service declaration file without the extension. For example, for Twitter.json, the service ID is Twitter.
  • <terms_type> is the property name used under the terms property in the declaration to declare a terms. For example, in the getting started declaration, the terms type declared is Privacy Policy.

Tracking terms 🔗

ota track
Track the current terms of services according to provided declarations. The declarations, snapshots and versions paths are defined in the configuration.
Example:npx ota track

Note that the snapshots and versions will be recorded at the moment the command is executed, on top of the existing local history. If a shared history already exists and the goal is to add on top of it, that history has to be downloaded before executing that command.

ota track --help
Show help and available options for track command
Example:npx ota track --help
ota track [--services <service_id>...]
Track terms of specific services only
Example:npx ota track --services "Facebook" "LinkedIn"
ota track [--services <service_id>...] [--types <terms_type>...]
Track specific terms types of specific services only
Example:npx ota track --services "Facebook" "LinkedIn" --types "Privacy Policy" "Terms of Service"
ota track --schedule [--services <service_id>...] [--types <terms_type>...]
Track terms on the schedule defined in the configuration
Example:npx ota track --schedule

Validating declarations 🔗

ota validate [--services <service_id>...] [--types <terms_type>...]
Check that all declarations allow recording a snapshot and a version properly. If service IDs are provided, check only those services.
Example:npx ota validate --services "Facebook" "LinkedIn" --types "Privacy Policy" "Terms of Service"
ota validate --schema-only [--services <service_id>...] [--types <terms_type>...]
Check that all declarations are readable by the engine. Allows for a much faster check of declarations, but does not check that the terms are actually accessible.
Example:npx ota validate --schema-only --services "Facebook" "LinkedIn" --types "Privacy Policy" "Terms of Service"
ota validate --modified
Run ota validate only on files that have been modified in Git
Example:npx ota validate --modified

Linting declarations 🔗

ota lint [--services <service_id>...]
Test the format of declarations’ normalisation.
Example:npx ota lint --services "Facebook" "LinkedIn"
ota lint --fix [--services <service_id>...]
Automatically correct formatting mistakes and ensure that all declarations are standardised
Example:npx ota lint --fix
ota lint --modified
Run ota lint only on files that have been modified in Git
Example:npx ota lint --modified

Publishing dataset 🔗

ota dataset [--file <filename>]
Export the versions dataset into a ZIP file and publish it to GitHub releases. The dataset title and the URL of the versions repository are defined in the configuration.
Example:npx ota dataset --file

To export the dataset into a ZIP file and publish it on GitHub releases:

ota dataset --publish [--file <filename>]
Export and publish dataset to GitHub releases
Example:GITHUB_TOKEN=ghp_XXXXXXXXX npx ota dataset --publish

The GITHUB_TOKEN can also be defined in a .env file.

To export, publish the dataset and remove the local copy that was created after it has been uploaded:

ota dataset --publish --remove-local-copy [--file <filename>]
Export, publish dataset and remove local copy after upload
Example:GITHUB_TOKEN=ghp_XXXXXXXXX npx ota dataset --publish --remove-local-copy
ota dataset --schedule [--file <filename>]
Schedule export, publishing and local copy removal
Example:GITHUB_TOKEN=ghp_XXXXXXXXX npx ota dataset --schedule --publish --remove-local-copy

Exposing the collection API 🔗

ota serve
Start the collection Web API server. The Web API will be available under <http://localhost>:<port>/<basePath>/<apiVersion>/<resource>. The server port and base path are defined in the configuration.
Example:npx ota serve