Federation API

Open Terms Archive is a decentralised system that tracks collections of services’ terms across multiple servers. Each collection operates its own API, and the Federation API unifies search and discovery across collections, fostering collaboration with external applications.

The Federation API exposes JSON data over HTTP. Its documentation is provided in a dedicated, interactive interface.

That endpoint exposes both the OpenAPI specification if the requested Content-Type is JSON, and a Swagger UI for visual and interactive documentation otherwise.

Beta πŸ”—

This API is offered as a preview, based on a first use case defined with partner ToS;DR. Unexpected problems or missing functionality may arise. Please provide feedback through issues in the dedicated repository.

Source code πŸ”—

The codebase for the Federation API is available on github.com/OpenTermsArchive/federation-api.

Configuring πŸ”—

The default configuration can be found in config/default.json. The full reference is given below. In the vast majority of cases, the default values should be sufficient and only the email sending data should be changed.

  "@opentermsarchive/federation-api": {
    "logger": { // Logging mechanism to be notified upon error
      "smtp": {
        "host": "SMTP server hostname", // Hostname of the SMTP server for sending emails
        "username": "User for server authentication" // Password for server authentication is defined in environment variables, see the β€œEnvironment variables” section below
      "sendMailOnError": { // Can be set to `false` to disable sending email on error
        "to": "The address to send the email to in case of an error",
        "from": "The address from which to send the email",
        "sendWarnings": "Boolean. Set to true to also send email in case of warning. Default: false",
      "timestampPrefix": "Boolean. Set to true to prefix the timestamp of the error message with the current date (in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ); see below"
    "port": "Port number on which the server will listen for incoming connections. Default: 3333",
    "basePath": "The base path for the API endpoints",
    "collections": [  // Overriding this value creates a risk of splintering the federation, make sure to fully understand what happens when changing this value
      "List of collections to federate; see below for how to configure. Default: https://opentermsarchive.org/collections.json"

The default configuration is merged with (and overridden by) environment-specific configuration that can be specified at startup with the NODE_ENV environment variable. See node-config for more information about configuration files.

For development, in order to have a local configuration that overrides the existing config, it is recommended to create a config/development.json file.

Logging πŸ”—

Setting logger.timestampPrefix to false can be useful when logs are being collected by a process manager (like PM2) that already adds timestamps to log entries. This avoids duplicate timestamps in the logs.

collections configuration key πŸ”—

The collections configuration key is an array containing URLs or specific collections. Each item in the collections array can be either a URL pointing to a JSON file containing Collections objects, or a Collection object.

Structure πŸ”—

  • URLs: URLs pointing to JSON files containing collections description. Each URL should respond with a JSON array containing collection objects.

  • Collection objects: the description of a collection, in the form of an object with required properties: name, id, and endpoint.

    "name": "The name of the collection",
    "id": "An identifier for the collection that must be unique across the whole federation",
    "endpoint": "The endpoint or URL where the collection API can be accessed"

Example πŸ”—

"collections": [
    "name": "My Collection",
    "id": "mycollection",
    "endpoint": "https://domain.example/api"

Conflict Resolution πŸ”—

If multiple collections share the same id, the latest defined collection in the array will be used and others with the same id will be ignored.

Environment variables πŸ”—

Environment variables can be passed in the command-line or provided in a .env file at the root of the repository. See .env.example for an example of such a file.

  • OTA_FEDERATION_API_SMTP_PASSWORD: a password for email server authentication, in order to send email notifications.

Deploying πŸ”—

Deployment recipes are available in a dedicated repository.