How to create collection repositories

Collections in Open Terms Archive rely on three Git repositories to hold the data:

  • Declarations repository: stores the declarations that define terms to track
  • Snapshots repository: stores raw snapshots of tracked terms
  • Versions repository: stores processed versions of tracked terms

This guide assumes you use GitHub. For other Git platforms, adapt these steps accordingly.

Prerequisites 🔗

Before starting, ensure you have:

  • A GitHub account with permissions to create repositories
  • Your collection ID and name defined
  • Your collection metadata prepared

Create declarations repository 🔗

Create from template 🔗

  1. Go to the demo-declarations repository
  2. Click “Use this template” dropdown and select “Create a new repository”
  3. Name it <collection_id>-declarations (e.g. pga-declarations)
  4. Wait 1-2 minutes for automatic setup to complete (check first-time-setup action status)

Configure repository settings 🔗

  1. Set up the “About” section:

    • Click the cogwheel icon next to “About”
    • Add description: “Declarations for <collection_name>. Maintained by <maintainer>.”
    • Set website:
    • Add tags: terms-of-service, terms-of-service-agreements, terms-and-conditions, open-terms-archive
    • Uncheck “Releases”, “Packages” and “Deployments”
  2. Configure features:

    • In “General → Features”:
      • Disable “Wikis” and “Projects”
    • In “General → Pull Requests”:
      • Enable only “Allow squash merging” with “Default to pull request title and commit details”
      • Enable “Allow auto-merge”
      • Enable “Automatically delete head branches”
    • In “Branches”:
      • Add branch protection for main
      • Require pull request with 1 approval
      • Require status checks: validate_modified_declarations and validate_schema
    • In “Actions”:
      • Allow all actions and reusable workflows
  3. Remove all default labels

  4. Update content:

    • Update README with collection metadata
    • Update metadata.yml with collection metadata

Create snapshots repository 🔗

Create from template 🔗

  1. Go to demo-snapshots
  2. Click “Use this template” and select “Create a new repository”
  3. Name it <collection_id>-snapshots
  4. Wait for automatic setup to complete

Configure repository 🔗

  1. Set up “About” section:

    • Add description: “Terms snapshots for <collection_name>. Maintained by <maintainer>.”
    • Set website:
    • Add standard tags
    • Uncheck “Releases”, “Packages” and “Deployments”
  2. Configure features:

    • Disable Wikis, Issues, Discussions, and Projects
    • Disable GitHub Actions

Create versions repository 🔗

Create from template 🔗

  1. Go to demo-versions
  2. Click “Use this template” and select “Create a new repository”
  3. Name it <collection_id>-versions
  4. Wait for automatic setup to complete

Configure repository 🔗

  1. Set up “About” section:

    • Add description: “Terms versions for <collection_name>. Maintained by <maintainer>.”
    • Set website to terms navigation documentation
    • Add standard tags
    • Uncheck “Packages” and “Deployments”
  2. Configure features:

    • Disable Wikis, Issues, Discussions, and Projects
    • Disable GitHub Actions
  3. Update README with collection metadata

Set up GitHub teams 🔗

For collections within the Open Terms Archive organization:

  1. Create a new collection team
  2. Configure team:
    • Name it after the collection
    • Set collection icon as avatar
    • Description: “Maintainers of the <collection_name> collection”
  3. Set repository access:
    • Declarations repository: “Maintain” access
    • Snapshots repository: “Triage” access
    • Versions repository: “Triage” access
  4. Add team members
  5. Add repositories to Bots team with “Write” access