Setting up and maintaining a collection needs fulfilling certain tasks. These tasks are handled through roles. Each of these roles can be volunteer or paid, and can be handled by one single or several different entities. The Open Terms Archive core team provides processes and tools to support all of these roles.
This reference documentation details all available roles that can be involved in a collection’s governance to ensure its proper operation and maintenance.
This role ensures that a server and internet access is available to run the engine on and fetch the terms, either by using its own infrastructure or renting a server on a hosting provider.
This role takes responsibility for ensuring that the engine and associated software tools are functional and up to date.
This role decides which services and terms are welcome in the collection.
This role guarantees the quality of the tracked versions by reviewing contributions.
This role adds declarations and keeps them up to date.
This optional role supports the existence of the collection by funding other roles, providing agent time, political support, or any other relevant non-operational contribution.