Collection metadata

This reference documentation details all available metadata fields that can be specified in a collection’s metadata file.

As an example, see the complete metadata file of the Demo collection.

Fields 🔗

id string Required
Unique identifier derived from name (acronyms, dash-separated)
name string Required
Display name of the collection (max 3 words)
Example:Platform Governance Archive
tagline string Required
Concise description of collection topic
Example:Major global social media services
languages Array of strings Required
ISO 639 language codes allowed in collection
Example:[en, fr, de]
jurisdictions Array of strings Required
ISO 3166-2 country codes for covered jurisdictions
description string
Detailed description of the collection

The Platform Governance Archive (PGA) collection tracks the terms of major global social media services.

This data is maintained and analysed by the Platform Governance Archive at the Universität Bremen’s Center for Media Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI).

This initiative offers researchers, journalists and citizens the tools to analyze how platforms structure and regulate communication and interaction in our societies.

It also aims to promote greater transparency and accountability of these powerful digital services.

dataset url
URL to released versions dataset
declarations url
URL to declarations repository
versions url
URL to versions repository
snapshots url
URL to snapshots repository
logo url
URL to the collection’s logo. Optimized PNG transparent image (min width 240px)
donations url
URL to the donations page
trackingPeriods array of tracking periods objects
Tracking periods object, see Tracking periods section
governance array of entity objects
Entity object, see Entity section

Tracking periods 🔗

startDate date Required
The date when tracking started (ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD)
endDate date
The date when tracking ended or will end. If not specified, tracking is ongoing.
schedule string Required
A cron expression that defines the tracking frequency
Example:0 0 * * *
serverLocation string Required
The geographic location of the tracking server (city name, ISO 3166-2 country code)
Example:London, GB

Entity 🔗

name string Required
Name of the organization
Example:Open Terms Archive
url url
Website URL of the organization
logo url
URL to the organization’s logo. Optimized PNG transparent image (min width 240px)
roles string Required
Roles of the entity within the governance
Allowed values:host, administrator, curator, maintainer, sponsor