How to deploy a collection

This guide will help you deploy an Open Terms Archive collection to a server.

1. Configure the server 🔗

First, ensure your server provides unsupervised access:

  1. Check the SSH host key:

    ssh-keyscan --type=ed25519 <server_address>

    If no Ed25519 key appears, generate one on the server:

    sudo ssh-keygen --type=ed25519 --file=/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
    sudo systemctl restart ssh
  2. Create a non-root user if needed:

    adduser <user>
    usermod --append --groups=sudo <user>
  3. Grant passwordless sudo access:

    # Add to /etc/sudoers:

2. Set up the deployment configuration 🔗

  1. Clone the collection declarations repository:

    git clone<collection_id>-declarations.git
  2. Configure the inventory file deployment/inventory.yml:

    <host>: "your.server.ip"
    ansible_user: "your_username"
    ed25519_fingerprint: "your_ssh_fingerprint"
  3. Add the server fingerprint to GitHub:

    • Go to<collection_name>-declarations/settings/secrets/actions
    • Create a new secret named SERVER_FINGERPRINT with your Ed25519 fingerprint

3. Configure SSH deployment keys 🔗

  1. On the server, generate a deployment key:

    ssh-keygen --type=ed25519 --quiet --passphrase="" --file=~/.ssh/ota-deploy
    cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  2. Add the private key to GitHub:

    • Go to the repository secrets
    • Create SERVER_SSH_KEY with the private key content
  3. Back up the keys:

    • Store both public and private keys in the shared password database
    • Create an entry titled “Deployment SSH key” in the collection folder

4. Set up GitHub permissions 🔗

  1. Create a fine-grained GitHub token:

    • Log in as OTA-Bot
    • Create a new token at
    • Set repository access for both declarations and versions repos
    • Grant “Contents” and “Issues” write permissions
  2. Back up the token:

    • Store it in the shared password database under “GitHub Token”
  3. Get the token approved:

    • Have an organization admin approve the token request

5. Configure secrets 🔗

  1. Generate and store a vault key:

    • Generate a secure password without quotes/backticks
    • Store it in the password database
    • Create deployment/vault.key with the password
    • Add it as ANSIBLE_VAULT_KEY in GitHub secrets
  2. Store GitHub token:

    # In deployment/.env:
  3. Encrypt the .env file:

    ansible-vault encrypt .env

6. Set up collection-specific SSH key 🔗

  1. Generate a new key:

    ssh-keygen --type=ed25519 --passphrase="" --file=./<collection_name>-key
  2. Encrypt and store the private key:

    # Copy private key to deployment/github-bot-private-key
    ansible-vault encrypt github-bot-private-key
  3. Add the public key to OTA-Bot’s GitHub account:

    • Go to
    • Add the public key with title “<collection_name> collection”

7. Configure email notifications 🔗

  1. Generate SMTP credentials:

    • Create a new SMTP key in Brevo
    • Name it “<collection_name> collection”
  2. Store the credentials:

    # In deployment/.env:
  3. Encrypt the .env file:

    ansible-vault encrypt .env

8. Test the deployment 🔗

  1. Via GitHub Actions:

    • Check that the deploy action completes successfully
  2. Via local deployment:

    cd <collection_id>-declarations/deployment
    ansible-galaxy collection install --requirements-file requirements.yml
    ansible-playbook opentermsarchive.deployment.deploy

If all steps complete successfully, your collection should now be properly deployed and running.