Open Terms Archive federation
Open Terms Archive is a decentralised system. It aims at enabling any entity set up their own collections and track terms on their own.
In order to maximise discoverability, collaboration and political power, public collections are federated within a single ecosystem. This makes their data mutually discoverable and enables mutualising effort.
Benefits of joining the federation
A collection that joins the federation enjoys the following benefits:
- Visibility on the Open Terms Archive website lists of collections and datasets.
- Access to the Open Terms Archive GitHub organisation, administered by the Open Terms Archive core team.
- Collection logo provided by the Open Terms Archive core team.
- Referencing in the official collections list, enabling off-the-shelf discovery in the Federation API.
- Referencing in the official datasets list, providing visibility to analysts.
- Dedicated channel on the Open Terms Archive instant messaging system.
- API uptime tracking.
- Public announcement through all Open Terms Archive communication channels upon joining.
By joining the Open Terms Archive federation, your collection becomes part of a dynamic network that leverages shared resources and collective visibility to drive greater impact.