How to publish a memo

This guide will help you publish a memo on

No technical skills are required.

Prerequisites đź”—

1. Send đź”—

Send your memo to by writing it in the body of the email or as a file attachment. Feel free to add any comments or questions you may have about the content or format.

2. Review đź”—

The Open Terms Archive core team will review your memo as quickly as possible.

If necessary, we will suggest changes and discuss them with you. Note that review times may vary depending on the number of changes required, the speed of exchanges, and the availability of reviewers. If you do not hear from us within two weeks, please do not hesitate to contact us again by the means of your choice.

3. Promote đź”—

Once the core team has published your memo on, we will inform you and provide you with the URL address of your memo. You should then promote it through the media and to the people you consider appropriate. Whenever possible, please associate the hashtag #TermsSpotting with your memo promotion, in order to provide visibility to the overall Open Terms Archive project and analysis.