Declarations maintenance

All parts of a terms declaration (web location, selection, noise removal, distribution across multiple documents…) can change over time. The process of updating these elements to enable continued tracking is called maintenance. Without it, terms can become:

  • unreachable: no snapshot can be recorded at all, because the location changed or the service denies access;
  • unextractable: no version can be extracted from the snapshot, because the selection of content or some filter fails;
  • noisy: both snapshots and versions are recorded but the changes contain noise that should have been filtered out.

Open Terms Archive needs to keep track of this changes in order to regenerate versions history from snapshots history.

Service history reference 🔗

To keep track of services declarations and filters changes, Open Terms Archive offers a versioning system. It is optional and should be added only when needed. It works by creating history files for terms declarations and filters, where each entry should be a previous valid declaration or filter function and should have an expiry date.

Both for terms and filters history, the expiration date is declared in a property validUntil. It should be the authored date and time of the last snapshot commit for which the declaration is still valid.

Terms declarations history files and filters history files can both evolve on their own. Having one does not imply to create the other.

The current (latest) valid declaration has no date and should not appear in the history object: it stays in its own file, just like if there was no history at all.

Terms declaration history 🔗

Declarations history are stored in a history JSON file with the following name declarations/$service_id.history.json.

The terms history contains an object with terms types as properties. Each terms type property is an array of history entries. Each entry has the same format as a normal terms declaration, except there is the mandatory extra property validUntil.

  "<terms type>": [
      "fetch": "The URL where the document can be found",
      "executeClientScripts": "A boolean to execute client-side JavaScript loaded by the document before accessing the content, in case the DOM modifications are needed to access the content; defaults to false (fetch HTML only)",
      "filter": "An array of service specific filter function names",
      "remove": "A CSS selector, a range selector or an array of selectors that target the insignificant parts of the document that has to be removed. Useful to remove parts that are inside the selected parts",
      "select": "A CSS selector, a range selector or an array of selectors that target the meaningful parts of the document, excluding elements such as headers, footers and navigation",
      "validUntil": "The inclusive expiration date in ISO format"

For example, to add a history entry for the Terms of Service of the service ASKfm, create the file declarations/ASKfm.history.json with the following contents:

  "Terms of Service": [
      "fetch": "",
      "select": "body",
      "filter": ["add"],
      "validUntil": "2020-10-29T21:30:00.000Z"

Filters history 🔗

Filters history is declared in a filters history declaration JavaScript file with the following name: declarations/$service_id.filters.history.js.

For each filter, a variable named like the filter must be exported. This variable should contain an array of filter history entries. Each entry is an object with the expiration date, as validUntil property, and the valid function for this date, under the filter property. Both properties are mandatory.

export const <filterName> = [
    validUntil: "The inclusive expiration date in ISO format",
    filter: function() { /* body valid until the expiration of the `validUntil` date */ }

For example, to add a history entry for the removeSharesButton filter of the service ASKfm, create the file declarations/ASKfm.filters.history.js with the following content:

export const removeSharesButton = [
    validUntil: '2020-08-22T11:30:21.000Z',
    filter: async (document) => {
      document.querySelectorAll('.shares').forEach((element) => element.remove());