Track your first terms

This tutorial will guide you through tracking your first terms.

By the end, you’ll have tracked a service’s privacy policy. You will also have a basic understanding of how to run the engine to track terms.

Prerequisites πŸ”—

  • Node.js is installed on your system.
  • You have basic familiarity with the command line.
  • You have basic familiarity with HTML and CSS selectors.
  • You know how to use a text editor.

Track terms πŸ”—

Step 1: Set up the directory structure πŸ”—

  1. Create a new directory:

    mkdir ota-tutorial-declarations
    cd ota-tutorial-declarations
  2. Create a declarations directory inside the project. This is where you will declare the service and terms you want to track:

    mkdir declarations

Step 2: Create the service declaration πŸ”—

For this tutorial, we will use the Privacy Policy of Open Terms Archive as an example.

Create a file declarations/Open Terms Archive.json. The name of the file is the name of the service that will be tracked. The first thing to declare is the tracked service name:
json { "name": "Open Terms Archive" }

Now, you can add terms you want to track to the declaration. For this example, we will use the Privacy Policy.

You can go on the Open Terms Archive website and copy the URL of its Privacy Policy to fill the fetch field.

And you can inspect the HTML of the page to get the selector of the content you want to extract to fill the select field.

The resulting declaration should look something like this:
json { "name": "Open Terms Archive", "documents": { "Privacy Policy": { "fetch": "", "select": ".textcontent" } } }

Step 3: Install and run the engine πŸ”—

  1. Install the Open Terms Archive engine:

    npm install --save @opentermsarchive/engine
  2. Start a one time tracking of the declared terms:

    npx ota track
  3. Verify the results:

  • Check the extracted version, which should contain the Privacy Policy of Open Terms Archive in Markdown format without any other content (no header, footer…): ./data/versions/Open Terms Archive/Privacy
  • Check the snapshot, which is the original HTML document of the Open Terms Archive Privacy Policy: ./data/snapshots/Open Terms Archive/Privacy Policy.html.

Congratulations! You have tracked your first terms.